Bailey is a 6th Grade teacher at Milroy Public Elementary School, Milroy, Minnesota.
What you do:

I am a 6th grade general education instructor in the southwestern part of Minnesota. I spend my days helping students discover who they are and why they matter and make a difference in the world. I help by teaching them math, reading, science, S.T.E.A.M., art, and writing every day. Each day I spend with them is a day of learning for both of us. We have our ups and downs, but together we are learning to overcome each battle we are faced with one day at a time.
How you want to make a difference:
Every day I show up makes a difference in my students lives. Some of my students face more challenges than many people do in their entire lives. By providing them a safe place to learn and grow makes all the difference in the world. So I already make a difference and I would like to continue making a difference in students lives.
How Bethany has prepared you:
I absolutely love Bethany’s education program! Dr. Browne, Dr. Lienig, and Dr. Pfeifer make the perfect, well rounded team. The three of them have so much knowledge and Bethany is privileged to have them. When I graduated from the Ed program, I felt ready because of all the hands-on experience, class hours, and hard work I put in. The education program at Bethany is hard, exhausting, time consuming work, but it prepared me for the life as a teacher.
What you remember most about Bethany:
Bethany is where I created long lasting relationships and started on the path to becoming a teacher. All of the professors and staff members were so kind and helpful throughout my four years there.
Advice for current students:
Soak in everything you can from your professors, environment, and friendships. Don’t fret over the small things because the time goes by fast and you don’t want to miss anything!